Present Your Research Plan

Present your research plan to your GLOBE partner class and collaborating scientist.
Ages 8-14 / 60
min Activity
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  • Develop a research question to investigate using GLOBE protocols related to the Year of Climate and Carbon (YCC) Campaign
  • Revise research questions based on feedback received from scientists, peers, and educators
  • Examine the interconnections between Earth’s systems and climate feedback and how GLOBE protocols can contribute to our understanding of local environmental issues
  • Meet with your GLOBE partner class and collaborating scientist to present your class’s research plan for feedback, questions, and community-building

Supporting Research

Research shows that classroom activities that are culturally-responsive, which provide students with the opportunity to share about their identity and experiences, collaborate on projects meaningful to them, and affirm the value of diversity and cultural differences, help create a more inclusive classroom environment. Engaging in this project can help students practice kindness, collaboration, and inclusivity as they gain a better understanding of each other, negotiate how to include everyone’s ideas in the project, and work together to produce an artifact that represents their collective identity. 

To learn more about these skills, and how they promote students’ healthy growth and the development of empathy, please check out Empatico’s Empathy Framework


Activity Partners

Educator Note

Empatico offers an exciting opportunity for educators to connect their classrooms with other classes around the world. These cross-cultural experiences enable students to share their stories, explore different perspectives, and make new friends in another community.

Prepare for the virtual exchange

  1. Each class should decide in advance how to present their research plan to their partner class and collaborating scientist. Classes are encouraged to plan their presentations in advance to make the most of the available time.

    For example, each class might select representatives to present different sections of their research plan by screen-sharing one of the following artifacts:
    • Prepared slides
    • ArcGIS StoryMap
    • Research Plan document
  2. Establish and share communication norms for the virtual exchange, such as:
    • Keep yourself on “mute” (unless you are talking) to limit background noise, and raise your hand when you want to speak.
    • When it’s your turn to speak, come close to the device, say your comment or question loudly and clearly, and remain at the camera to hear your partner classmate’s response. Start by saying your name (e.g., “Hi, my name is ___. My question is...).
    • Listen attentively to the speaker and use hand signals (e.g., thumbs-up, “me too” signal, etc.) to indicate agreement or similarities.
    • Make sure that others have a chance to speak during the exchange.
  3. Ask students to share additional ideas for how they will show respect to their partner class and collaborating GLOBE scientist, and consider leading a practice session so students can practice these strategies and imagine having a fun, positive interaction with your partner class.

    For more tips on setting up your classroom for a virtual exchange, please visit this resource.

Interact: meet your partner class and collaborating scientist over a live virtual exchange

Facilitate the virtual exchange using Empatico’s built-in Zoom integration, or the video tool that you previously selected, and follow the suggested exchange structure below:

  1. Start the video call by greeting your partner educator and collaborating scientist. Then, facilitate an introduction between students in both classes and the scientist. You might have them introduce themselves, and share about their class grade, school, location, and/or a fun fact about their community. Then, ask the scientist to introduce themselves.
  2. Provide space for both classes to present their research plans to their partner class and collaborating scientist. Encourage behaviors that show respect and other strengths, like empathy, thoughtfulness, and humility, such as students sharing something they liked about each other’s research plan. A suggested presentation breakdown is included below for a 40-minute virtual exchange (teachers can adapt based on available class time):
    • 5 minutes: Class A introduction
    • 5 minutes: Class B introduction
    • 5 minutes: Scientist introduction
    • 7 minutes: Class A presents their research plan 
    • 3 minutes: Questions, feedback, and comments for Class A
    • 7 minutes: Class B presents their research plan 
    • 3 minutes: Questions, feedback, and comments for Class B
    • 5 minutes: Closing questions and comments
  3. Invite students to take turns asking the questions that they prepared for their partner class and/or scientist.
  4. End the exchange by asking students to thank their partner class and collaborating scientist for sharing a part of their day with them, and for the opportunity to get to know each other a little better. Then, students can say “goodbye” and express excitement for meeting again during your next virtual exchange together!

If students in both classes have individual devices (e.g., mobile phone, tablet, laptop, etc.)...

Use a platform such as Google Meet, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams which allows you to screen-share during a video call. 
One educator should set up the Kahoot! game and share the code with students in both classes by following this tutorial about using Kahoot! in a remote learning environment, and share their screen so everyone can follow along.

If students in either class don’t have individual devices...

Follow the same instructions above, with one educator starting the game and sharing their screen so both classes can follow along.  
Instead of students joining the game to answer the questions, they can hold up their fingers, call out their answer, or use a paper template to indicate their response.

If you prefer not using Kahoot!...

Use this document (Spanish version) to prompt students.